Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pursuit of happines

"Ask if you are happy and you cease to be it."

And im thinking; 'how TRUE!!", as i scan the headlines of the Times Of India, dated 3rd jul 2007: " India ranks 46th in the 50-nation happiness index. US, norway and Sweden taking the top 3 positions.

Besides the fact that this survey is done based on the factors like health, equality of oppourtunity, religious faith, levels of income, employment... which makes it impossible for any developping / underdevelopped country to come in the top 30 place, I'm curious about the age old adage - "Ignorance is bliss" or could it read, in this context to, "Ignorance is Happiness".

I have lived in the land of oppourtunity, in this happiest ocuntry, the US of A, not too long, about 2 yrs, in cities as remote as not to be visible on the map, as Middle Town(CT), to the brightest of them all NYC (NY).

I can say without doubt, that contentment is what drives most americans. Most are content and happy with their summer houses that they go to every summer and winter houses every winter, mostly in the same state [the nieghbouring state, if they are a litle adventurous]. Contrary to the common belief, most americans have not left thier state, leave alone, thier country since their birth and have no plans to, what so ever. They are Happy with their barbeque lunches by the pool, in their condo complexes or the hiking trips in the mountain ranges next to their home or Camp in the neighbouring campsite, or raft in the local river.

Yes agreed, that America gives them all, that, they dont feel the need to peep outside of the massive cacoon, each has created for himself. But then again, most do not know the "other side" to find it "greener"!!

Most indians have an envious nieghtbour, who vacations to a new exotic location, every few months, or a daughter of a industrialist, in his class, who owns the latest Iphone or a Apple MAC and sports a new wardrobe every week, or a boss who changes his car/bungalow every year.

I guess as indians we always have some thing or someone, just like you and me, an average human being who is making it big!! We always have our yardstick, being raised higher, each itme we reached the previous one... I guess as indians we are not content with what we have...
I guess as indians, we are NOT a Happy People!!

But, is that a Sad thing??... Im not so sure....

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